Membership Welcome

Thank You
My dear, thank you so much signing up for my membership! I really want you to never feel alone, lonely or less than and I put my ALL into this my work to help make sure you don’t!
I’m super excited for you to be here. I know life can be hard and you maybe just want a little ‘me’ time or some support. I pour so much love into the meditations in this membership and it’s my calling to be a source of inspiration and guidance to others, I really hope you feel this.

I’ve been working with busy, stressed out folks for almost two decades, plus I’ve learnt how to live joyfully with my own crazy mind. So, I know a thing or two about how to thrive, and I’ll share this with you here.
To get the most out of your membership, it’s really helpful if you’re on the lookout for anything positive in your life. It could be improvements you notice on the back of using the meditations, general positive experiences, or simply things that go well. Studies show that keeping a note of ‘the good stuff’ nets you more joy.
I used to do weekly lives in the Facebook group that you can still access if you’d like and make sure you get your number to me so I can add you to the WhatsApp group. I send love notes here every week day :-)
Thank you once more and please know that you have the capacity for joy in your life, wherever you are right now. Happiness comes from an understanding of the ‘rules’ for joy and a consistent practise of them, and this membership will help you with just that. Most of all though, I want you to know you are loved and it’s my prayer that this membership helps you with that.
With so much love,
Zofie x
Your Membership
Monthly Musings To Keep You Focused
My love- I’m SO excited for you to listen to this months offerings :-)
A week or so ago, on the back of me receiving a game changing download, I taught a masterclass. I called it Whole, Healed and Ready!
This month you get TWO ‘meditations’! Hooray!
If you don’t know, they’re both from a masterclass I taught last week. I clipped them and added audio and when I listened back realised how good they were so had to share! The focus of the masterclass was Next Level Manifesting….they’ll both help you with this 💖.
My love…..You might have already heard me say that I realised a while back that I have a cool skill (it’s equally a burden 😂.)
Those of you with me and reading this in realtime will know I’ve recently figured out a thing. I had NO IDEA until this week that a lot of the debilitating symptoms that have crept up on me in the last several years are due to my fluctuating and declining hormone levels. While I knew I was in peri-menopause, I had no clue that some of my issues were hormone related!
Oh my goodness…..what it is to be a human and living in a body!!! Perhaps especially if you identify as a woman! Wowsers! Who can relate to hating on your body at times, berating it when you’re not well, wishing it was thinner, more like that other person’s versions, just better in some way? And at the same time forgetting to see this physical vessel as sacred.
My dear,
I’ve shared through my daily love notes that I recognised recently my stress levels were higher than I’d like. (And more elevated than they needed to be.) So, as I’ve also spoken to, I’ve been focusing on allowing myself to step back into calmer climes.
I’m kind of obsessed with this term right now! As I write I’m mid content creating and teaching Rise Up Rich for the very first time, so I’m super immersed in all things manifesting….(even more than usual!)
The idea I used in this month’s meditation came to me during a client session with a lovely lady I’m helping with manifestation.
It was an inspired idea that flowed through as a response to her powerful asking and it’s both beautiful and potent.
My friend,
As I type this I face a situation I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
I’ve been thinking for sometime that my ex-husband (and the father of my children) is ‘missing something’. He has shown an unusual callousness, lack of empathy and remorse, and desire to hurt others that feels devoid of normal human compassion. I won’t put labels on it here or go into details because it’s all beside the point.
OK- if you know anything about me you’ll likely know I’m BIG TIME into manifesting! I mean I’ve been ‘at this’ for a looooong time now! (That’s just to say there’s a LOT I know about this topic…)
If you’re reading this in ‘realtime’ you most likely know I’ve been ‘living alchemise’ these last few months…..but in case you’re not in the know the short version of events is I started a kitchen renovation two and a half months ago and let me just say the builder hasn’t exactly been a joy…(I’m talking not nice person or energy and also not a great standard of work ethic or work!)
I’m SO happy to share this month’s meditation and post with you! DWAI is based on something that came up in a session with a private client and it’s GAME-CHANGING!
I’m not one of those people for whom things have come easy….and what’s awesome about this is it’s given me a huge heart to help others in the same situation. In other words, if you’re in an energy of feeling left out, left behind, forgotten, forsaken I SEE you, I GET it, I AM YOU!
Last week my Relax Me Happy Instagram got disabled. I’m not entirely sure what happened…I think I might have been hacked. And it doesn’t really matter. It was such a strange and random thing, i KNOW there was a deeper purpose to it…
My LOVE….this month’s meditation and blogpost are based on an amazing idea that really landed for me recently…..
Aaaaah! I can’t tell you how excited I am about this month’s meditation and theme! As you likely know, my *thing* in life is to help good people live great lives. Truly, nothing gives me greater joy than this. It’s the light that keeps me going as I sometimes work late into the night, show up when part of me feels afraid, share what my fear really doesn’t want me to….
So….I’ve talked about this before and it’s also a thing I cover in Manifesting Miracles. The idea that us humans so often metaphorically dig up our seeds before they have chance to sprout! In other words, we ask for a thing, the universe then immediately is ‘on it’ to bring about said thing, our ‘work’ is to then become an energetic match for said thing so that we can allow in the thing!
This month’s topic isn’t ‘deep’, but at the same time the impact that using the process has is profound! We are all energetic beings as well as physical humans…as the saying goes: energy is everything! And this means we create ties or energetic cords with everyone we come into contact with.
So, a couple of weeks ago I was really lucky and got to experience a one to one session with a Human Design coach whose work I really admire (her name’s Erin Claire Jones if you’re interested.)
If there’s one thing I’d want you to know above all else my love, it might just be this:
✨Anything is possible for YOU and YOU can manifest anything
The meditation and theme this month are based on a meditation I made up for my beloved that felt SO good I wanted to share with you!
The theme and meditation this month are based on something I’m OB-SESSED with right now! If you’ve studied Manifesting Miracles with me you’ll have heard me talk uber passionately about exponential growth (it’s legit embarrassing 😂.) Well, this is kinda like that but then some!!
There are a few things in life that most of us have plenty of issues around……romantic relationships, money and our bodies being some of the top ones! In my life I’ve experienced hating my body because of how it looked and also how it ‘behaved’ and of course I’m far from alone here! The meditation I made for you will help you reframe how you feel about your body so you can start to lean into loving it (or loving it more), no matter how it looks or if you have any ailments or illness.
I won’t bore you with all the details, but suffice to say a LOT of things have happened to me in the course of my life that have left me with a sense of needing to ‘keep up’, ‘be on the go’ all the time, please others and so on. Sound familiar much?!
My love,
If you’re not new to this membership as this month’s meditation drops you might know I’ve been OBSESSED with the money meditation I made a few months back ever since I created it 😬.
A little while back I was pondering something, wondering about it and it really felt as though it was ‘big’. The thing that was on my mind was the fact that the ‘bum heads’ in life often seem to do better than ‘good’ people.
You might have heard me say before that in order to manifest ANYTHING you need to things at play:
1- Figure out what the essence of your desire feels like and become an energetic match to this.
2- Don’t f**k it up!
My love, you might know I got a little out of whack recently.
Truth be told I ‘have a lot on my plate’ in the physical world. Without getting all into it, I give my kids a lot of emotional support, I’m a single parent looking after a home, garden and business with no family support, my thyroid doesn’t work properly as a result of many years of pain and trauma and yada yada (pass the violin 😉.)
OK, I’ll level with you!
When I was focused on manifesting romantic love into my life my inner critic used to tell me I couldn’t speak on this topic because i hadn’t yet brought that particular manifestation all the way home to roost. He also told me the meditation I made a couple of years ago- Go There In The Mind, Go There In The Body- was rubbish and people wouldn’t like it. (It’s proved to be one of the most helpful and popular of all the meditations I’ve created.)
My love,
I’m so excited for the theme this month! You might already know I recently published my beloved book- Love Notes From God. And I decided to record the entire book as a kind of meditation for you.