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Work with me for coaching, through my digital courses or masterclasses

Happiness Coaching in Bristol; one to one support to help manage high anxiety, stress, and related issues. Relaxation Sessions and guided relaxation/meditation tracks to use at home. 

Self-care Photo

Work With Me

I’m committed to offering free and low cost resources, as well as more comprehensive support. Grab free content on The Ask Zofie Podcast, join The Tribe for ongoing support, or work 1-2-1 when I have space. My beloved program Reframe is a GREAT way to enjoy the best of my teachings and expertise in your own time, and on repeat at a more affordable price compared with private sessions.


One to one coaching

At present I do very little private client work, but from time to time offer up space. Please get in touch to find out more.

Happiness Coaching Photo

One to one Relaxation

Happiness Coaching for children

I’m not currently working 1-2-1 with children. I give heaps of advice on The Ask Zofie Podcast and can refer you on if you’d like private sessions.


Keep an eye on my social media or join my mailing list to find out when the next online masterclass will be! I run the classes regularly and members of The Tribe get to join many of them for FREE.