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The scoop on Reframe

I've been at this game a LONG time; I've a HUGE heart for this work, for helping YOU transform YOUR life and live a GREAT life.

After twenty years at this I noticed SO MUCH of the work is around reframing things, flipping the script, changing your perspective.


From here, the program was born.


In Reframe I share the bulk of what I'd help you with 1-2-1 but on your terms, in your own time.

What I say and share comes from a place of wisdom, and also deep love; it's no less than I'd gift my own flesh and blood.

You know the saying 'You can taste the love in cooking?'  It's my prayer and knowing you'll FEEL the love in this course. 

And that, my friend is golden! ✨

My love + years worth of expertise + your intention to transform = magic!

To you becoming unf**kwithable.

One time
For 6 months

What Others Are Saying



The Netherlands

"Not a question.  I LOVE Reframe."


Bristol, UK

"Did the first rewind and literally feel so good."