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One to One Coaching





My one to one sessions are a unique blend of the tools and techniques I’ve picked up since beginning private client work in 2006.  I originally trained as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist and since then have also studied a PgDip in Positive Psychology and qualified as a supervisor.  What’s key in my work is a focus on solutions, what’s helpful, what works, as well as guided meditation and trance. In addition I draw on metaphysics and manifestation, mindfulness, CBT, and spiritual tenets and ideas. My approach involves my own unique blend of hypnotherapy and mindset work coupled with spirituality; the perfect combination of logic and neuroscience with woowoo! My clients describe me as deeply loving and equally no BS. I care enough to tell you what works. Kindness along the ability to see your blocks in an instant is my super power.


Session Fees:

One off sessions are £100 and last an hour. 

I also offer a three month Manifest Anything package costing £888



What People Are Saying: 

Last year I decided to see Zofie for one to one sessions and the positive effect of this has been remarkable, I can’t quite describe it – magic happens!!
— Fee