The Soothing Meditations
These meditations have been designed to be as easy to work with as can be; to fit effortlessly into your busy life. You can listen to them before you get out of bed first thing, as you’re getting ready, or during a short break in your day.
You can also use them at bed-time so you can sneak a little re-boot in with minimal effort.
Check out "How to save the downloads" instructions below and watch the video "How to download the tracks into iTunes" if you need a techie hand!
Here are your meditations
(click on the image to download/play)
The Best of The Best….the idea for this meditation came on the back of me noticing my own stress levels had risen, as a result of some things happening in my life….it’s VERY calming, reassuring and soothing and will help you tap into- feeling safe, expecting things to go well, and remembering you get to have the best of the best in life! Enjoy x
Destiny…this meditation is based on something that came up in a client session. It speaks to the deeply soothing notion that things can’t NOT work out for you….that just like a jigsaw puzzle that has ALL the pieces ready to go, your life has everything necessary for YOUR success. Your desires and dreams are meant to be, they’re your destiny. I really hope you love it, Zofie x
You Don’t Need More For More….I’m SO excited for you to use this meditation! It will soothe and lull you deeply and lean you into remembering the truth that you have all the resources you need to succeed already at your fingertips! The idea that you need more for more is a lie! So much love, Zofie xo
Get Ready. Stay Ready. Live In Faith….This meditation is equal parts soothing and powerful! With metaphor that speaks to how the universe co-creates with you to make your deep desires manifest, and a reminders of how to work the universal laws to make your dreams reality…. this meditation will help you sky rocket your manifesting! With so much love, Zofie x
Manifest Anything…this meditation could just as easily be in the mindset section BUT it’s so gentle and soothing it felt apt to give it a home here! But don’t let the softness of this meditation fool you, it’s energy is POTENT, a loving reminder from your soul that anything is possible for YOU and YOU can manifest anything. Enjoy, Zofie x
Safe. Resourced. Resourceful…this beautifully soothing meditation will help regulate your nervous system and subconscious for success. When you have fear around your desires you send mixed messages to the universe and get mixed results. Soothing that fear will help clear your path for success, regulate your nervous system to make it easy for you to up-level. With so much love, Zofie x
Get What You Desire…this beautifully soothing meditation will really help you quit trying too hard, and lean you into being easier about things and at the same time receiving more things! If you ever feel like life is unfair, or things shouldn’t be as hard as they seem, this meditation is for you! I hope you love it x
Divine Connection…in this meditation my primary intent is to leave you feeling connected, whole, with not one shred of ‘less than’ or loneliness. It’s my loving prayer that using this will leave you feeling aligned with your own soul, complete, and aware of the perfection of your true essence. So much love, Zofie x
The intent of this soothing track is to lean you into not only slowing down, but slowing right down…it alludes to the power latent in ease, and through a gentle focus on the majesty and might evidenced in the stuff of nature…this track speaks to your inner wisdom and seeks to inspire you to slow down, and ease up…which not only feels good, but has so many benefits too!
Sink Into Love
This track will help you 'sink into love.' In any moment you have a choice. You can sink into your ever present, inner state of wellbeing OR get caught up in stress. This download has been designed to help you learn to sink into love more often and enjoy the peace this will inevitably bring. Enjoy!