The Meditations for Kids
These meditations will soothe and calm your child, plus help regulate their sleep habits.
They’ll go a long way towards managing anxiety. But you can help set your child up for success by minimising stress in the home as best you can, ensuring they have ample down time, and not too much pressure or stimulation. One of the things I see most in practice is children lacking sleep and rest. This, coupled with anxious/worried parents creates the perfect breeding ground for anxiety, sleep problems, and behavioural issues. When you set your child up for success, it’s natural for them to respond with a calm demeanour, agreeable behaviour and positive sleep habits in the main.
The meditations are best used before bed (unless it suggests otherwise!)
Some children wriggle and fidget quite a bit, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not relaxed. If you need any advice please reach out.
Relaxation Tracks for Kids
The Friendly Mermaid….another guided meditation just for children. This one is actually my children’s fave….as you can guess, it features a friendly mermaid and a lovely story….as with all the meditations for children this will help your little one get great quality sleep and boost positivity levels!
Magical Unicorn In this guided relaxation, your little one will get to ride on the back of a magical unicorn....this track includes a calming, magical tale along with soothing suggestions to help ease worries. It also features a clever story designed to help build confidence and self-esteem. This is ideal to use at bedtime to improve sleep quality and help with the bedtime routine.
To access more meditations (as well as the PDF version of My Little Book of Happy and a 100 page ebook on parenting), check out the member area for children. The code CLIENT gives you a £5 discount: