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The Healing Meditations

These meditations have been designed to be as easy to work with as can be; to fit effortlessly into your busy life.  You can listen to them before you get out of bed first thing, as you’re getting ready, or during a short break in your day. 

You can also use them at bed-time so you can sneak a little re-boot in with minimal effort.

Check out "How to save the downloads" instructions below and watch the video "How to download the tracks into iTunes" if you need a techie hand!

Here are your meditations

(click on the image to download/play)

Living In Faith….This is the beautiful meditation I shared at the Living In Faith Masterclass! I hope you love it x

The Gift….the beautiful meditation I shared live for The Gift Masterclass… can tap along for the beginning or just use it as a meditation! Enjoy x

Whole, Healed and Ready Meditation…this audio is SO SOOTHING and healing! Enjoy the audio of the mediation I created live for the WHR masterclass….this will help bring about next level, deep healing and shifts for you. Enjoy x

Whole, Healed and Ready Energy Clear….enjoy this beautiful recording of the live clearing I did for the WHR masterclass….this will bring about THE BEST shifts! x

Tuning In…this meditation is what I took students through at the end of The Next Level Manifesting Masterclass. I speak to the power in ‘tuning in’ when it comes to manifesting! It really is next level and I can’t wait for you to listen! x

Next Level Manifesting Energy Clear- this is the gorgeous energy clear I did at the start of The Next Level Manifesting Class. It’s so potent I wanted to share it here! Enjoy xo

Keys To The Kingdom…I’m so excited to share this special meditation with you! What you get to listen to here is an example of a beautiful meditation I created for a client in her Keys To The Kingdom Session. As I edited the audio I was blown away by it so got permission to share it with you. This audio will help you heal, transform and grow! Enjoy, Zofie x

You Are Safe, You Are Safe, You Are can tap along with me in this video version...if you're new to tapping be easy about it! Just follow along and don't worry about being exact or perfect. The words and energy ALONE will shift you, enjoy x

You Are Safe, You Are Safe, You Are Safe….this is the audio version of the tapping process I created to help you feel SAFE and GROUNDED. You can tap through it or it’s equally healing as a meditation. Enjoy x

It’s Time To Love Your Body…this beautiful meditation will guide you to love your body NOW, and hold the vision of your perfect future body. The vibe is approaching this issue through the lens of love…Enjoy x

Cut Cords…this short meditation is perfect to use before bed! I made it -with love- to help you cut the energetic ties we all create throughout the day and bring you back into your own energy. A simple yet super helpful process! Enjoy, Zofie x

Step Back, Take Space….this deeply soothing meditation is based on an idea I recently learnt that’s born of the system of Human Design. It’s really calming and at the same time the notions to which it speaks contain the potential to alter the entire trajectory of your life! Read the blog post if you’re keen to understand more of this consciously. To your deep peace, Zofie x

Love.Your.Body….I wrote this gorgeous meditation to help you love your body more. However you feel about it, most of us have at least some hang ups in this area and this process will help you flip any negativity on its head, and lean into falling in love with who you are and the body your soul is living in. With so much love, Zofie x

Pleasure Not Pressure…This meditation will help you let go of any beliefs you have that are causing you to live with a sense of pressure, and instead begin to lean into a life filled with pleasure…Enjoy x


Rest.Restore.Realign…this super soothing meditation will help reprogram you to the Truth that resting makes you powerful! If you struggle to rest this one’s for you! Enjoy xo

Let.It.Go…this is a deeply soothing meditation, designed to help you let go the unwatered in your life, to make space…and through doing so, align with the new, with your highest good, the desires you carry in your heart. Listen out for: let it go, make space, and give thanks…this mantra will serve you so well my love. Enjoy x

No-More-Guilt….something we’d ALL like, hey?! This download has been designed to help you go beyond guilt! Over the months, we’re healing all past wounds- add this to dropping judgement, and you’ll be leaning into powerful growth and soothing.

No-More-Guilt….something we’d ALL like, hey?! This download has been designed to help you go beyond guilt! Over the months, we’re healing all past wounds- add this to dropping judgement, and you’ll be leaning into powerful growth and soothing.

The Lightness of Dropping Judgement. This is a gentle and subtle track with a beautiful sentiment. Truth is, without judgement, life becomes heavenly. THIS is the transformative power of going beyond it.

The Lightness of Dropping Judgement. This is a gentle and subtle track with a beautiful sentiment. Truth is, without judgement, life becomes heavenly. THIS is the transformative power of going beyond it.

Unconditional Love…I know, I say this A LOT! But the sentiment and intention of this track is POWER-FUL….Start with unconditional love and all else will fall into place. As with all the tracks, this download is healing. Listen and lean into treating…

Unconditional Love…I know, I say this A LOT! But the sentiment and intention of this track is POWER-FUL….Start with unconditional love and all else will fall into place. As with all the tracks, this download is healing. Listen and lean into treating yourself with unconditional love, and watch as things go better for you! Enjoy!

Heal Your Inner Child…Let’s face it, who among us had an idyllic childhood, during which we were steeped in love and positivity?! VERY few right….well this track will help you get to a place where you feel like this is exactly what you experienced. It’s UBER transformational yet simple. I hope you love it as much as I do xo

Heal Your Inner Child…

Let’s face it, who among us had an idyllic childhood, during which we were steeped in love and positivity?! VERY few right….well this track will help you get to a place where you feel like this is exactly what you experienced. It’s UBER transformational yet simple. I hope you love it as much as I do xo

What Your Soul Wants You To Know...THIS is a great track to listen to at bedtime as it's a slightly longer one. As I chat about in the blog post, the perspective of your soul is POWER-FUL and so the sentiment of this track will be transformational as it guides you back to the wisdom of your inner knowing. Enjoy!

What Your Soul Wants You To Know...

THIS is a great track to listen to at bedtime as it's a slightly longer one. As I chat about in the blog post, the perspective of your soul is POWER-FUL and so the sentiment of this track will be transformational as it guides you back to the wisdom of your inner knowing. Enjoy!

Energy Cleanse One of the most powerful things you can do is allow a positive shift in your energy! This track has been produced to help you to just that; to cleanse your energy. Enjoy this download in the morning, during the day or at bedtime to he…

Energy Cleanse
One of the most powerful things you can do is allow a positive shift in your energy! This track has been produced to help you to just that; to cleanse your energy. Enjoy this download in the morning, during the day or at bedtime to help keep your vibe high and your energy pure. THIS is the very best state to live from.

The Beach- Forgiveness This track is ideal to use at bedtime! Forgiveness sets YOU free and this download will do just that for you- it will help you relax, feel more at peace and FREE!

The Beach- Forgiveness
This track is ideal to use at bedtime! Forgiveness sets YOU free and this download will do just that for you- it will help you relax, feel more at peace and FREE!