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Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

So…..I really wanted the theme this month to be ALL ABOUT positivity! I mean I know I kinda pedal this sorta 24/7 ish, but I just wanted to get even EXTRA on it! Like I say a lot, I’m not into being fake positive, positive all the time, avoiding negative emotions etc. But I AM about leaning into a predominantly positive outlook because it.frikkin’.works!

A bunch of peeps have been asking me for tips on boosting positivity lately and it’s such a beautiful and helpful practice. When you’re positive you tap into the deepest wisdom available and it helps you overcome any challenge in life!

This month’s meditation will really help with your mindset. The practices in A Course In Miracles are all designed to get you to clear your mind to such a degree that you channel the highest and purest consciousness. In ACIM it’s suggested that all fear based reality is pure illusion. It’s a crazy assed, very off the wall text and a lot of it is just anathema to the mind. But so much of this world we can’t fathom with our minds alone. And while it seems far fetched, the notion that all our thoughts and ultimately the reality we construct from fear based thinking is pure illusion makes sense to me on a soul level…

Anyway, before I lose you completely…the premise in the meditation is loosely based on this….the idea that all of our troubles, if not pure illusion, are really only troubles in our minds. I introduce it in a very simple way in the story but it will resonate deeply with what you already know deep down! I’m so excited for the shifts it will bring about for you.

I really hope you enjoy it.

With heaps of love,

Zofie x