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Membership Blog


Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

Hey my love! Soooooo, this month I’m going all EXTRA on positivity. Sure, it’s my thing. Yes- I'm here a lot. Except now I’m shifting gears. If you listen to my podcast, in episode 21 I share an experience I had with my little boy recently which was a challenging one!

Anyhow, on the back of both of my children being upset the week before last, I decided to shake a few things up, with them, for us, in my own mind, and here in membership for YOU!

I say this a lot, but I just know my thing in life is to go through the stuff, get all messy in the stuff, then share with others how to manage the flipping stuff And this experience was a perfect example; it was painful for me, it caused anxiety, it woke me up in the night. I rolled with the punches, I experienced it, I figured it out, I used the tools, I shared. And ultimately I’ve been able to create something that’ll help not only me but YOU. And for that I’m deeply thankful.

Anyway, I didn’t intend to write that, it just came out 😂. What I really wanted to speak to is the importance of positivity in your life my love, of optimism, of being a caretaker in your mind and taking no prisoners when it comes to negative thinking!

You see, being positive, optimistic, faithful is GOLDEN. And while of course it’s not wise to be fake happy, and not feel your emotions, what I see happen again and again is lovely folks getting all twirled up in negativity and STUCK. This comes in many guises.

Because our ancient brains have an innate negativity bias, plus the media mirrors this, social media also contains heaps of unhelpful content, and let’s face it, most humans have negativity as their set point…in order to NOT live here, it’s imperative you’re proactive in respect of this!

I just wrote this on an Insta story:

‘Take no prisoners in your mind. Your joy depends on it. Your success is incumbent upon it. Your entire experience of life rides on this!’

And this is so true (even if I say so myself 😉.)

Anyway, on the back of what happened with my children I’ve ‘banned’ negativity at home. You see, one of the things that had happened - I now recognise- is that in my desire to be loving and compassionate towards them, I’d allowed moaning and complaining to slip through the net. Of course ‘no negativity’ doesn’t mean my children can’t get sad, mad and so on. What it DOES mean though is a typical narrative of complaints, and moaning, and lack of gratitude cut it. I’m shutting them down the same way I’m shutting this BS down in my own mind.

I’m pro managing what I call ‘resistant’ thoughts in your mind. And I’ll share a pretty comprehensive list here. The way I think of it is thus: your soul/higher self has a take on everything that goes down in your life. And this is invariably the truest, highest, clearest perspective. This lens is inherently positive. And the extent to which your inner mental narrative deviates from the viewpoint of your soul is the extent to which you experience dissatisfaction in your life. This begins on the inside, with thoughts and feelings, and ultimately then gets experienced as your actual life as you take action and get feedback in terms of physical interactions, experiences, stuff!

The law of correspondence states: As within, so without. This speaks to the power of your thoughts, feelings, and inner landscape. You can bet your bottom dollar that inner change will lead to outer shifts. You can safely rely on it. It’s law. And just like gravity works whether you know it or not, believe it or not, it too is unceasingly at play in your life.

I’m so passionate about positive thinking and focus because I see and know the impact it has! On the one hand it improves your mindset and how you feel, at the same time it boosts your vibe, puts you into alignment. In either case it tunes you into your inner wisdom and lines you up with outer success. It’s using your mind as it’s designed to be utilised and helping you manifest using law of attraction in a way that works for you.

Anyway, if you use the Optimism Meditation regularly, AND make the decision that you’re going to be like a bouncer on the door of your mind, not allowing in those thoughts that aren’t soul aligned…if you do this plus TAKE INSPIRED ACTION when you feel called to, I promise you, you’ll see magical changes. My love, I’ve worked with many hundreds of clients over fifteen years and have seen this time and again and again. So i KNOW this works. I work it in my own life too ( I need it 😂.) Truth is, the happier you get, the ‘luckier’ you become!!

So, borrow from my confidence and go set your life on fire as you were born to do.

Here’s the list:

DOUBT (BTW, this is in capitals as I’ve copied and pasted from my personal notes and this is a biggie for me 🙈)


Pessimism/lack of optimism

Taking things for granted


If only thoughts and an ‘it’s easy for you’ attitude

Second guessing

Taking score



Mind reading


Dramatic language

Rushing/time constraints


Arguing with reality/pushing against what is

Being tough on yourself should ought to etc



Needing something to be a specific way/needing to have a specific thing to be happy (‘expectation’)

Pinning your hopes on another

Future tripping



Imagining anyone else/a thing can stand between you and your stuff

Trying to figure stuff out






Over thinking



Focusing on what other people are/aren’t doing

Thinking about what might have been

Getting attached (too soon/rushing in)

Gripping on

Godspeed my dear,

Zofie x