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Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I’ll be honest with you my love, I was all set to create a very different meditation this month (it’s an awesome idea that I’ll come back to!) This notion of letting.things.go came and nagged me though and it just felt so potent I had to write on it for this month!

One thing that’s gotten crystal clear for me as I’ve pondered the idea of letting go, of making space…is this:

When you’re caught up in your mind, in the ego, this can seem like the most challenging thing in the world. But when you align with your soul and get steeped in its wisdom, it becomes delightfully natural to simply let go!

So, as ever, what’s key is feeling good, tuning into your own sweet soul, alignment! I’ve been talking about this heaps lately as I teach it in Manifesting Miracles - how alignment trumps everything. And it’s so true. Thing is, when you’re what I refer to as ‘aligned’, you’re in the best headspace, you’re tuned into the very best of yourself, on a brain level, mind level, soul level.

And this really is tantamount to setting off for a journey in your car fuelled up, versus not. Challenge is, as humans we can limp through life, half dead, like zombies and still ‘get stuff done’, appear OK and so on. We don’t simply stop in the same way a car minus fuel would. But, in terms of living joyfully, thriving versus surviving and so on, we do stop!

I heard Jim Rohn say something recently that’s stuck to me like glue ever since. He said 97% of people listening wouldn’t buy a certain book he recommended, in spite of the fact that it’s easily accessible, helpful etc….He explained that only 3% would get the book, read it, apply it. I’m now obsessed with making sure I’m in what I think of as ‘the 3%’, and helping you if you’re ready to do same!

Anyway, I’m kinda off piste (what’s new?! I can hear you groan as I type!! 😂.) Of course, really I’m here on a mission to inspire you to lean into letting go what no longer serves you, to make space in your life.

Truth is, as you hang onto what’s no longer working for you, serving you, lighting you up, you create a block to the new, what will serve you now, those things you hold most dear in your heart!

Holding on is both born of fear and perpetuates said fear. And when you live from fear you’re neither an energetic match to your dreams, or in a solution focused headspace.

Letting go emanates naturally from an easy state, and simultaneously further beds you into this state…Converse to acting out of fear, coming at life from a place of ease and peace ensures you’re magnetic to all of your dreams and desires, and tuned into the ideas and inspiration that flow to you and through you when your mindset is on point.

In the meditation I say:

Let go

Make space

Give thanks

Using this as a mantra will be a beautiful practice alongside listening. You could say it thus:

I let go. I make space. I give thanks (for all that is coming to me.)

I know some of you may well be asking: ‘But Zofie, HOW do I align?! HOW can I line up with the wisdom in my soul?!’ And in truth my dear, it’s same old, same old. The ego can’t abide simple yet profound and ultimately super effective answers! The likes of:

Daily meditation

Ample sleep

Using positive affirmations



Time in nature

Ample social interaction

Ample time spent ‘having fun’

It really is all about meeting those happiness needs. Remember the thing that Abraham Hicks say about your wellbeing being like a cork bobbing on a body of water….you can hold it under, but as soon as you quit, the cork bobs back up! This is so true, feeling good is natural and actually way more about NOT doing those things you do that hold you down, versus doing things to lift yourself up…..

Please recognise that any fear coming up as and when you do let go, make space etc, is only ego based. The ego despises and fears anything that spells growth for you, so it will invariably rear its head when change is afoot. Know this and understand it’s a wonderful sign!

And if you need some inspo, think about the genius of mother nature….just watch….observe plants burst through the earth, no visible sign of their impending arrival immediately before, notice how a pruned back tree will bloom beautifully after the fact, without tension and in perfect timing….nature will guide you and inspire you to let go, make space, and give thanks for the new that already exists in potential, and is inevitably afoot for you, if you but only remain faithful of this.

With so much love,

Zofie x