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Your Dream Life!

Membership Blog

Your Dream Life!

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

As I write this it’s a poignant time in my life. I’ve been coaching clients one to one for over fifteen years and studying the brain, various therapeutic techniques and metaphysical theories and practices for around the same amount of time.

On my own personal journey I’ve had a number of experiences of my knowledge suddenly deepening, light bulb moments happening, and small awakenings and this has happened at a rapid pace recently! One such penny dropping moment happened a few weeks back. And the theme this month relates to my experience.

The thing that really clicked into place for me was just how important ‘aligned action’ is when it comes to manifesting. So many folks work hard minus alignment and then many others get into alignment, know all the ‘right stuff’ but fail to act on this.

Truth is, when you marry faith and alignment with consistent action the universe is required and able to step in and move mountains for you.

I’ve embarked upon a period of my life whereby I’ve decided to suspend all disbelief, to no longer give my doubts the time of day. Ultimately, when I speak to this I mean doubts in the existence of the unconditional love of the divine, as well as my capacity to be, do, or have anything my heart desires.

I’m taking leap of faith after leap of faith, bold move after bold move, and refusing to be led by fear or my inner critic.

My daily affirmations are:

✨ All of my prayers have been answered

✨ My success is inevitable

✨ I suspend all disbelief

✨ I lead with an infinite mindset

It really feels like it’s time for me to put my money where my mouth is in terms of all this manifestation stuff and enjoy the fruits of my labour and learning for all these years. I share about me of course to guide you, to inspire you! My other mantra RN now is: ‘I’m stepping boldly into the life of my dreams, to inspire you to start living yours!’

What I’ve come to know for sure is this: whenever you ask for something, the Universe immediately says: ‘Yup! Sure! I’m ON it!’ Asking is analogous to adding what you want to your shopping basket. Taking a step in the right direction (writing a CV if you want a new job, looking at your finances if you want to become more abundant, cutting ties with people who aren’t good for you if you’ve asked for truly loving connections, and so on…) This is like pressing purchase; now the Universe knows you’re serious, and what you desire begins to wing its way to you. Now, the way you show the Universe you really mean it is by not giving up as and when challenges befall you.

The meditation this month has been created to help you visualise the life of your dreams, and sit in the feeling of it already existing in your physical reality If you use this, and also make it your daily practice to both note down and take action on bold moves in the direction of your dreams, you’ll be on the right path. The only thing then is to be patient, have faith, persist. Basically, don’t give up! Not on your journey, your desires, your faith.

And remember that the curveballs that might beset you are not there to take you off your path, they’re they’re to place you more firmly you on it, to prep you for the very life you’ve asked for!

This exercise will really help you on your journey:

Journal on your dreams and desires. This can be in a specific area such as finances, or your life in general. Write as much as you can, what it would look like, where you’d live etc, all the details.

Next, write down who you’d be if you were living this life now. What kind of habits would you have? How would you feel? Think about your boundaries, general demeanour etc.

Finally, note three small actions you can take right away that the above you would do. For example, if you dream of an abundant life, the version of you living this might be super organised with finances and have help with their money. One action point might be to do an inventory of your finances and get clear about where you’re at.

The above exercise is really powerful!

Then, as and when those curveballs get thrown, the following will massively help:

Journal on this Q with a super open mind: How could this be the best thing that could have happened to me?

Finally my love, please know, your ego won’t like any of this one bit! It’s gonna throw a whole load of ‘reasons’/excuses your way, and they’re gonna feel valid. Be prepared for this and it’ll be way easier to realise it’s happening, and boldly step ahead anyway. You want your moves to seem risky to the ego, this is a good sign. They won't feel like a risk to your heart and soul though…

I super hope this helps. My fervent prayer is that I can inspire you through sharing my journey and also by pouring all of my expertise into these meditations and membership.


Zofie x