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The Midas Touch

Membership Blog

The Midas Touch

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I’m writing this in July 2021 and it’s not long after I spent two days fasting and in silence. I’ve spoken quite a bit about that experience and in particular on one thing that came out of it which was my love of the practice of asking the question:

‘What’s the highest thought I can think about this?’

If you’ve heard me speak of this you’ll likely know the idea came from Neale Donald Walsch’s book: Conversations With God . In the book he introduces the idea of listening for and being guided by your highest thoughts, and as soon as I heard it I sensed the wisdom it contained.

And basically I’ve been mad on it ever since! I’m so happy to have included it in this month’s meditation. The mind truly can weave such a tangled web that it’s so easy to get trapped in. Asking this question can really help you avoid said trap though.

He also says when you think a thought that clearly isn’t your ‘highest’, you should simply ‘think again.’ I talk about this in the meditation too to guide you through it. The deal is your ‘highest’ thought often sparks joy. Sometimes you might not get all the way to joy or your ‘highest’ thought, it might be the case that at times you’re simply able to reach a thought that brings relief. This is also super helpful and will lean you in the right direction.

As and when you’re able to receive your ‘highest’ thought use it as a kind of mantra, it will improve your mindset, your energy, your vibe and on the back of it your other thoughts will become more positive and clear. This will be your kind of touchstone. So many of the thoughts we bump into are just super unhelpful, negative and get us all stuck in loops.

Highest thoughts will lift you up and above this quagmire. if you’ve got kids you can use this with them too. It’s a great tool for them to begin using early to ward off worries and suchlike.

I super hope you find the process helpful and am so glad to be able to share this with you.

Lots of love,

Zofie x