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Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

Membership Blog

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

The meditation and focus this month is a little different! And it’s awesome! The process I take you through is based on something I learnt in an online course from Mindvalley (they offer loads of great, free workshops BTW.) The programme’s called Unlimited Abundance and it’s led by an energy healer called Christie Marie-Sheldon.

Her method of clearing every involves you going through a process of ‘deleting’ the thoughts. ideas and beliefs keeping you stuck…because truly ‘everything is energy’, it’s POWERFUL. When you make energetic shifts, changes in the physical must follow.

You might like to listen to the meditation and hold an intention to clear something specific, like a block in the area of abundance for example, whatever’s stopping you from finding the man/woman of your dreams, or the baggage you’re carrying that’s leaving you feeling anxious….it can be anything.

If you like, you can take this process and really run with it by using it in your every day life. What this looks like in practical terms is anytime something crops up that you don’t like you say ‘whatever’s causing this I delete, uncreate and destroy/de-story it’. Say you’re finding things stressful with your children/family…you simply say: ‘I ask anything that’s causing this to be deleted/deleted, uncreated, destroyed…’ You can change up the wording as you’ll notice I do in the meditation. So at times you might just ask for it to be deleted, at others say ‘delete, uncreate and destroy’, or ‘delete this, uncreate it, de-story it.’ What really matters is your intention.

Following on from this use this question often: ‘What would it take for X to happen?’ For example you might ask: ‘What would it take for me to begin allowing in abundance now?’ Or ‘What would it take for me to have peace and harmony with my family?’

Use these practices on repeat, and they’ll really help shift your energy.

The only thing left to do then is remain open and positive, and when the cool stuff shows up (it will), make the correlation! Don’t let your mind trick you into believing ‘it’s just a coincidence’ that a friend bought you a gift, or you received a tax rebate or similar after focusing on abundance, or you have a lovely experience with your kids after you asked what it would take to have more harmony at home. Make the correlation between your inner work and the outer shifts and give thanks! Christie talks of being ‘grate-fuelled’ which speaks to the power of gratitude! Being truly thankful will really amp up your rewards.

Have fun with this, play, be light. It’s powerful but also super fun. I’m excited for the changes you’re about to allow….

With so much love,

Zofie x