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Breathe As You'd Breathe

Membership Blog

Breathe As You'd Breathe

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I’m so thankful to be able to share this month’s meditation with you……the whole piece is based on a beautiful, simple concept I picked up while listening to a David Deida book -Dear Lover. If you don’t know of him, he’s an interesting character I’d say! In all honesty, I’m not hugely au fait with his work but have dipped a toe into his offerings. He teaches in the field of relationships and talks a lot about intimacy and sex….

Anyway, enough of that just in case my mum is reading! Suffice to say he has some super useful stuff to share but might not be everyone’s cup of tea and he is pretty kind of out there……my biggest and most beautiful takeaway from his book though was the concept of ‘breathing as you’d breathe’. I think in the book he relates this to being in relationship with your ideal lover but that’s obviously just one use or point of focus for this idea. As soon as I heard it it struck a big chord with me. I could sense the deep wisdom it carried. Hence me using it and sharing it here and in the meditation!

You see, as I say day after day, life, really everything and everyone within it responds TO you, is happening FOR you. And so any inner changes you make pay dividends. And consistent shifts bring big change. Small variations you make mentally or physically really can set in motion a cascade of advancements that mirror what happens in the butterfly effect. If you haven’t heard of the butterfly effect, put simply it speaks of how very small changes can lead to significantly different outcomes, e.g. a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can lead to a tornado weeks later in another place on the planet.

Think of breathing as you’d breathe like this. Because, as I say in the meditation, this idea is not a far fetched one. How you think impacts how you feel, how you feel informs your body, others respond to your body language, mirror neurons in our brains mean we all respond to each others moods, thoughts affect your energy, life responds to your energy, calm breathing sends a message… your mind, your brain, your body, the universe…..there are so many permeatations here…but all we need really know is there’s a feedback loop. So you can calm your mind by calming your breath and also vice versa and so on……

In this case we’re using the ‘breathe as you’d breathe’ idea to begin the cascade, your breath is the flapping of the butterfly wings that has the power and innate potential to draw to you the metaphorical tornado…for us here the tornado is your life with everything as you desire.

So you see, this one small, subtle shift is an easy to acquire, powerful as f**k catalyst! As ever, the mind won’t buy this. And that’s OK. Doesn’t make it any less effective, can’t detract from it’s power. Unless you buy into it’s BS. So please don’t. You really can breathe as you’d breathe as the first step on the yellow brick road to having what you desire! Cool huh?! That’s how this beautiful life works my friend.

If you like, you can also practise coming back to this idea throughout your day. Say you’d like to be in a deeply loving relationship, ask yourself during the day: ‘How would I breathe if I was in this relationship?’ Then lean into it…..flap those butterfly wings and know the tornado is coming.

It is with deep thanks that I share this meditation and idea I mention here. I’m thankful for the idea given to me by David D, to you for listening and reading, for the healing and transformation it will bring…so many tornados! Woohoo.

With so much love,

Zofie x