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Membership Blog


Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

As I write this post it’s April 2021 and the UK is slowly easing out of a lengthy lockdown period. All part of an attempt to manage the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

And it’s no great surprise that I’ve heard LOTS of talk of folk being tired of late. They use words like ‘exhausted’, ‘fed up’, ‘knackered’, and sprinkle them like confetti among their patter.

This was the inspiration for the Energise meditation.

And I’ve a couple of brief points I want to add here.

Firstly, it’s so easy and equally unhelpful to get carried along with the ‘sheeple’ and all caught up in convos about and so on. You all whip each other up and a kind of mob mentality ensues as one ‘fact’ after another strengthens the argument for the notion that ‘life’s just tiring right now’ and so on….but whether it’s ‘just saying’ or not, this simply isn’t helpful. You see, what you focus on expands and what you believe to be true you will find evidence of. So, it super helps to be mindful of what you’re focusing on and just what beliefs your strengthening!

Secondly, while it’s loving and wise to give yourself grace on this journey called life, it’s not loving or wise to fall into the land of excuses, aka victim mode. So also be mindful of not falling foul here. It’s a slippery slope down the ‘well it has been a pandemic’ argument. Stay the right side of giving grace, not falling victim!

On the specific topic of energy I also want to say taking naps and sneaking in short periods of rest can make all the difference when you are tired. It’s also true that the narrative you entertain relative to your endeavours is often the most tiring aspect of said activities. Empyting the dishwasher for example, with no anger at the fact that ‘it’s always you who does this’, or ‘you do everything around the house!’ isn’t super tiring. BUT, add in a sucky story in your head and it becomes waaaaay draining. The language you use is also key. I talk about this a lot. Dramatic language takes an unnecessary toll. Ban yourself from using words like exhausted, drained, worn out, wasted and instead use softer words such as tired, sleepy, weary.

You don’t have to energise yourself. Energy naturally flows to you and through you, the question is, how much are you thwarting this life force? How much negative thinking are you engaged in? How often are you saying yes to things really you want to avoid? How often do you override your bodies natural rhythms by just carrying on?

I super hope you love the meditation. Here’s to you allowing your natural energy to flow, and putting it to great use in your life!

With so much love,

Zofie x