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Be Who You Are!

Membership Blog

Be Who You Are!

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

Hello my love,

As I write these posts I often wonder if anyone actually reads them, so if you are, hooray! I really want to say ‘lol’ now but my inner critic is screaming that I’m not twelve (shows what he knows hey?!) Anyway my intention this month was to create a meditation that guided you to lean into being the person you’re destined to be.

Truth is, each of us has awesome potential within, but so often this potential remains untapped. And, as I say in the meditation, while it’s true that adversity and struggle can be your very best ally, spending a little time pondering just how you might have turned out, had you been given exactly what you needed when young, can also be beneficial.

And this meditation asks you to both think about this, and also lean into appreciation for how things did go down for you. Truth is, making peace with what is and taking a positive stance will always help, will always align you with your inner wisdom, and that potential I mention above.

The aim of the meditation is to then get you thinking about how you can now nurture and nourish yourself in the ways you weren’t in receipt of as a child, or growing up.

Of course we can never go back and change the past; but we can always take the decision to make the best of where we are now as a result of that history. And this my dear is where your power lies.

So this meditation is powerful, and has the potential to be transformative if you take in what it says:

Firstly, imagine where you could be now if you’d be catapulted lovingly into your life.

Secondly, make peace with how you did get shunted into existence.

Finally, resolve to make the very best of what you’ve got, and where you are, to enable you to tap into and shine out the wonder resting innate within.

Hence the title ‘Be Who You Are’. I’m referring to the very best version of you. And this version, for sure, will always be nothing short of or less than absolutely frikkin’ awesome.

I really hope you find this useful.

With so much love,

Zofie x