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Live In Peace; Live In Bliss

Membership Blog

Live In Peace; Live In Bliss

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

So, as I pondered what to write for this month’s blogpost my inner critic balked at my musings. While penning this there’s a part of me that really.doesn’t.want. me to write! But, my heart feels it’s apt and I keep getting a card pop up in my Oracle deck that’s all about speaking your truth, and facing your true north, so here goes!

The meditation I produced this month was created on the back of me listening to an audiobook called The Greatest Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. You may well have heard of Rhonda because she produced a film called The Secret which was a huge global phenomenon some years back.

I actually was pretty resistant to buying her book -The Magic- even though it had been highly recommended because my mind had lots of hesitations (long story but suffice to say my mind was very very wrong!) Anyway, I’m working my way through the practises in The Magic and as I was getting into it I was led to her latest work.

Cut a story short I absolutely loved listening to it. In the book Rhonda explains in very simple terms who us humans really are, and how we can live in peace and joy. Truthfully there were no big revelations in terms of content for me as I’ve been on a spiritual path my whole life in some shape, and in earnest for the last fifteen years or so. What was truly transformational for me however was the way in which this book brought together everything I’ve been learning and studying over the years.

While listening I felt several shifts in my awareness and enjoyed a number of wonderful lightbulb moments; what I already sensed was underlined, kind of made concrete, strengthened. I’d say I’ve been on a steady path of awakening for a good few years and this accelerated gloriously as I listened.

I’ve heard Eckhart Tolle talk heaps about becoming the observer of one’s mind, Byron Katie explain there are no problems unless you listen to the mind, A Course In Miracles describe how ‘nothing real can be threatened’, that we’re all the dreamers of our dream and so on. But as I listened things just fell into place.

I share this in the hope that it’ll help; I also appreciate you may well think me crazy. I realise now in a much clearer manner that this ‘reality’ we all live is in truth not real in the way we imagine. As Einstein said ‘reality is an illusion…’ Sure, it’s a seamless kind of dream and one that’s very challenging to wake up during, but some way, some how we’re all enjoying an uber complex dream and in reality we’re all consciousness itself channeled though a human body, with a human mind, for a human life time.

While we may appear threatened in this physical life, who we really are can never be threatened. Our minds are our means of living as we intend; what we focus on we draw to us. When you understand that each of us is a spec of the divine it gets way easier to have faith in life. If the divine is running the show and you’re a part of it, why would it try and harm you. Why would you try and harm you? It wouldn’t. You wouldn’t. Things only go awry when we fall asleep to this dream, when we forget who we are; when our focus gets off. Law of attraction means whatever you put your focus upon you draw to you.

As we live ignorant of this we start to feel powerless and as though life is happening to us, not for us. This is the issue; it’s never life itself.

It’s helping me enormously to live life in a lighter manner, as if it’s a dream. To understand that who I truly am was never really born and will never truly die. And that from the broad perspective of pure consciousness it all makes sense and all is well.

Our human minds can’t even begin to grasp this. This sounds insane to the mind. It doesn’t make it any less true though.

I’m dedicating my personal development right now to the practises of gratitude, meditation, sinking back into awareness, and welcoming unwanted emotions with a view to transcending them.

The more I focus in this way the lighter I feel, the better things go for me. I am very often filled with deep compassion and love for others and feel it overflowing from me. I still absolutely dip into frustration and worry at times (I had a lot of heavy stuff in childhood I’m allowing to fall away that hasn’t yet fully shifted). It doesn’t tend to last long though and rarely takes me fully over.

I know this may well sound completely crazy but I super hope it helps. My prayer is that you can find your way to listening less and less to your mind and resting more and more in the perfect peace and divine bliss of your true being. This is what you came for, it’s what you’re born for and nothing less will truly satisfy.

With so much love,

Zofie x