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Get The Most From The Affirmations!

Membership Blog

Get The Most From The Affirmations!

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

So this blog post is a little different (mirroring life as I write during round three of a Corona lockdown!)

In this post I just want to share a few pointers to help you get the most from the meditations I created for you.

In the affirmations track I say: ‘keep working your way up the emotional scale and everything else will work itself out.’ This simply refers to doing the work of feeling good, notice I don’t say ‘make yourself feel good’, because in truth we never need do this. Our natural state is one of peace, a positive one, so in order to feel good at any point the work is to step away from what we were doing to block the wanted state, verses endeavour to create it!

If you want to get into more detail on this google The Emotional Scale by Abraham Hicks as this will give you guidance on which emotions are more positive than others; you can also practise talking yourself up this scale. If you want more info on this just drop me a message and I can give more pointers or take you through it in a session. Knowing how to ‘talk yourself back from the ledge’ as I refer to it is powerful stuff!

In the affirmations meditation I refer to tenets and ideas born of the powerful universal law of attraction. You may well be well versed in this area, perhaps a total newbie, or maybe somewhat in the know. If you know little, or diddly squat and feel drawn to this subject there’s heaps of info online and in book form you can check out. But to keep it simple, what law of attraction states is that which is like itself will be drawn unto itself, or in other words how you feel, your energy, your vibration will determine your experience in life. I’ve been a student of law of attraction for around fifteen years and can attest to how transformational it is to work with this wisdom.

If you’re new to this please know the affirmations track will really help to align you, which is everything in terms of your energy, from which all else flows. As you focus on the positive words and sentiments, you won’t be doing anything to block the flow of your highest knowing, your deepest wisdom, and the insights and answers you seek to set you on the path to all of your desires. Potent stuff. In fact, I created this meditation because I recorded one for myself and found it so useful.

The short grounding meditation will really help calm you when you’ve become frazzled, anytime your energy’s fractured. Scattered energy is ineffective and doesn’t feel good! Mental clarity and ease on the other hand are uber powerful. Imagine driving a car for a few hundred feet one way, then reversing and driving another way before reversing and repeating, you’d never get anywhere! But get in the same car, decide where you’re heading and put your foot to the metal- now you’re talking. Your energy is just like this.

Sooooo, these two meditations are a power couple that will serve you so well. I used the grounding one first thing this morning and it was lovely but I think it might come into its own as a re-set. Of course you get to use it as you prefer! The affirmations can be used anytime and are great to have on in the background as you go about your day.

Enjoy my love x