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Rest.Restore.Realign 💕✨

Membership Blog

Rest.Restore.Realign 💕✨

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

Hello my dear!

This is kind of off topic but it’ll give me a segway onto topic so bear with me…

I have what I call a ‘rule of two’ thang going on. Put simply this means if I hear something potentially useful twice I REALLY take notice, because this is my cue that the universe is SHOUTING at me!

This happened recently with the notion of rest….actually it wasn’t just twice I heard speak of it, but NUMEROUS times! It was on my mind anyway as I was recovering from a procedure and being mindful of really allowing my body to heal. This ISN’T how I used to be or was brought up, quite to the contrary!

Except now I’m ‘grown up’ ish and parenting myself I’m mindful of giving my inner child everything she needs but didn’t get when small. Rest is one of these things!

And as I’ve been thinking about rest I’ve been pondering it is! And!

It’s not something most folk rave about, instead people wear being busy as a badge of honour and all that, it’s somehow cool today to ‘have a diary that’s slammed’, no free space in your schedule to arrange a meal out for three months. and so on….

And of course at the same time, your average Joe or Joanna is all stressed and caught on the yucky ‘I’ll be happy when’ train…

The thing about resting and relaxing is it’s one of those counter intuitive paradoxes…..we imagine them to be passive, ineffective, lazy endeavours. BUT, like I say in Manifesting Miracles a gazillion times:

✨Alignment trumps everything!

In other words, feeling good is where its’s at! NOT the grind, the hustle and stress. Sure, hard work can lead to alignment which then brings the gains, BUT it’s not the hard work that gets the wins per se, it’s the alignment that can ensue that’s the real heavy hitter.

Anyway, I’m here to provide some inspo to get you wanting to relax and net rewards, big time! Your mind won’t like this or want any part of it…’s TRUTH tho! One of my fave things to say is:

✨Everything you desire lies on the other side of you getting happy!

Doesnt’ that feel good?! Course it does, because it marries with what your soul knows to be True….

I really hope this helps and you enjoy the meditation; it’ll help reprogram your thinking back to the Truth that you’re most powerful when you’re relaxed, and resting is all mighty!

Big love,

Zofie xo