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Love Notes! 💕

Membership Blog

Love Notes! 💕

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

My love,

I’m so excited to share this meditation and blog post with you! This month I’m publishing a book called Love Notes From God and the theme in membership mirrors what I share in the book.

Love Notes From God is a collection of quotes and short poems that I wrote in a state of resonance with my own soul, with the intention of guiding you back into alignment with yours.

The words came to me in a flurry, fast. But they arrived on the back of many many years I spent both in anguish and seeking. They’re the result of me free’ing myself from the shackles of the mind. (At least most of the time!)

The words both in the book and meditation are born of and imbued with the essence of the love of the divine- at least this is what I feel in my heart.

I have a deep desire to uplift others like you, and to be of service; I see being a source of soothing as key. I truly hope you find the meditation (and book if you have a copy) to be both a comfort and means of feeling more aligned in your life.

As I teach my Manifesting Miracles Students:

✨ Alignment trumps everything!

And while all of the meditations in this membership will help you get into alignment, this one will perhaps more than most.

I really hope you find this to be the case and can begin to allow yourself to have this sensation of peace and comfort bleed into your waking state.

With so much love,

Zofie x