Make Tomorrow You Happy 💕
Zofie Lloyd-Kucia
You may be aware that last year was one filled with epic shifts for me! And if you know me, you‘ll know I’m all about using my lessons to help YOU avoid or manage better said challenges!
I’m so enthused about the topic we’re focused on this month. I’ve spoken about it heaps of late.
In short, one of the realisations I had last year was the Truth that discipline is not a dirty word!
And this was in no small part due to the work of Rory Vaden whose metaphor provided inspo for the story in the meditation. Thanks Rory!
I used to think that discipline meant cruelty, and ultimately was something mean. But latterly I found my way home to the Truth that on the contrary:
✨ Discipline is love in action.
Don’t get me wrong, it can be abused, misused. But ultimately what ego perceives as ‘bad’, or ‘hard’, most often is the path to growth, success, transformation.
Ego says- don't do that thing, it won’t work, there’s no point…and so on. Soul conversely, lovingly, wisely guides you through the challenges of life, lightening the load, coaxing you towards the prizes that await.
The moral of the story is equally simple and profound:
✨Faithfully facing the challenges in life ensures joy.
I’m currently reading Rory Vaden’s book- Take The Stairs- and LOVE the premise. In it he’s says: do the hard things and life gets easy; do the easy things and life becomes hard.
It’s all about perceiving the purpose in the pain. Seeing through the lens of deep knowing. Your soul naturally rests here.
I can truthfully tell you that as I write, I’ve reached a place of enjoying complete faith in the divine. This doesn’t mean everything goes perfectly for me, it’s actually something better than that. It DOES mean that no matter what happens, I still believe, I trust, I have faith that life is FOR me, all is well, and I am being looked after.
I share this to inspire YOU, to let you know that if I can do it, so can YOU, it’s possible for ALL of us. And my prayer is that you too can find your way home here should you choose. And i’m here for it if this is you. Here’s to making life buffalo and faithfully running right to and through the storms of life!
So much love,
Zofie x