Divorce Your Mind, Marry Your Heart — Relax Me Happy

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Divorce Your Mind, Marry Your Heart

Membership Blog

Divorce Your Mind, Marry Your Heart

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I was chatting with my children recently about mental illness…my daughter was asking me about someone we know who’s mentally unwell. And I explained that put very simply, this person had taken listening to THAT voice to a high level…the same voice that might haunt her with thoughts like: ‘What if it isn’t actually non-uniform day today, and you’re the only one not dressed right?!’ or ‘You didn’t do your homework right and you’re going to get in trouble!’

You see, to be honest, the longer I’m in this game (and in the tooth!!), the simpler this whole living happily thang becomes. It starts to get crystal, and easy. Truth is, we ALL have THAT voice in our heads, you can call it fear, ‘the mind’, your inner critic, or Dave if you like, that’s just semantics.!! What I’ve come to know is whether or not we have that voice, and trying to get rid of it isn’t the issue. Instead, what’s key is making peace with its existence, seeing it for what it is, making the decision that you won’t allow it to be your guide, and tuning in more and more to the voice of love.

The theme and meditation this month were inspired by numerous conversations I’v been having wiht you lovely lot about the voice in our heads and the damage it can wreak when we listen to it, along with a cool Ted talk I watched by Tracy McMillan entitled ‘The Person You Really Need To Marry’. In her talk she espouses the value in ‘marrying’ yourself before you search outside of yourself for that elusive other to ‘complete you’.

I’ve thought before about ‘divorcing’ my inner critic (mine’s called Steeeeve if you don’t already know 😂), in other words making the decision to no longer allow him to have veto power in my life!

So, the theme this month is divorce and marriage, but ultimately it’s about love, and the beautiful transformative power it carries.

Slight sidenote, at a writer’s workshop a few years back the lecturer asked us to create a persona for our inner critic (hence Steeeeeve). The idea is to give him or her a name and have a think about what their character’s like. THIS is a super cool thing to do to allow you to start to have a higher level of awareness when it comes to your own fear-laden voice.

OK, I’ll just leave you with one of my favourite quotes from the late, great Wayne Dyer on the topic of love:

‘Whatever the question, love is the answer’.

I completely agree and hope this meditation will help you come home here more often,

With so much of that stuff,

Zofie x