Go There In The Mind, Go There In The Body
Zofie Lloyd-Kucia
I was lucky enough to attend a workshop with Joe Dispenza recently….if you’re at all into the mind-body connection, law of attraction etc and haven’t yet encountered his work I urge you to check him out, he knows his stuff!!
So….the theme this month is based on one of his processes and the powerful law of attraction. It’s summed up nicely with the title I’ve used:
Go there in the mind, go there in the body
Before you listen to the meditation, there’s a teensy bit of prep to do.
The aim of the meditation is to guide you into a relaxed state (as with all of them!) But this time you’re going to spend a little time in this state of ‘elevated emotion’, focused on a desire you have. And so that you don’t get too ‘heady’ when you do this, you’re going to first think of a symbol, image, or letter that represents this desire to you.
Say you want more money, your letter could simply be M! Or an image of a note, even an image of a car/house….
Want a relationship, your letter could be R, or again a symbol etc….
Just use whatever your mind comes up with, this will be best for you!
And to get the most, spend a little time before you go into the meditation thinking about how you’d feel it you were already in possession of what you desire…
For example:
Free, loved, abundant, powerful, relaxed, appreciative
And also, what good you could do from that space.
For example:
Show up in a more loving way for your loved ones, be more generous….
It’s helpful to write this stuff down, along with your letter, or symbol, or image and get a clear feeling for it. Don’t force or try, just be easy and see if you can lean into the feeling. Do it when you have a little peace and quiet, and if it feels like too much effort, you can pick it up later, or simply choose another topic.
This and the meditation WILL shift your energy, and when you shift your energy, everything external will shift as a response. So, be on the lookout for ‘evidence’. If your thing is wanting more money and you hear someone talking about winning the lottery- THIS is your ‘evidence’ that it’s on your radar now and you’re an energetic match. DON’T be disappointed that you’re NOT quite there, on the contrary, you’re on the path!
In truth, if you can get into this open, allowing state, then keep re-focusuing yourself during the day, away from worries and stress, you will be living so well my friend.
With much love,
Zofie x