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Relax Me Happy Blog >>>


I can’t get enough of all things mindset and manifestation!
If you want to hear what l’ve been saying lately, check out my blog.


Filtering by Tag: appreciation

Do you have to be crazy to enjoy dental surgery?!

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

If you know me, you'll probably know that l'm OBSESSED with all things self-development and because of my crappy formative years, l made the decision some time back that happiness is key for me!

And people often say to me things like 'so, are you just happy now?!' to which l always respond with words to the effect of No, 'it's something l purposefully focus on every day'.  Because it is! You can't just go to the gym for two weeks in your twenties and then be fit for life (might be nice though right?!) You've gotta go, then go again, then like hit repeat for the rest of your days!!!! And it's the same with happiness, feeling fulfilled and all that.

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What kind of adverts are YOU running?

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

When l work with children l will often ask them how they would feel about going to school if they were to think about all the things they don’t like about school and all of the things that might go wrong there. And l then ask them how they might feel about going to school if they were to focus upon the bits of it they like, the fact that they will see their friends and so on? 

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