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My Instagram Got Deleted- Tips To Help When Things SUCK!

Relax Me Happy Blog >>>


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My Instagram Got Deleted- Tips To Help When Things SUCK!

Zofie Lloyd-Kucia

I’m back to blogging and here’s why……

Wow that was an *interesting* week. Firstly, Manifesting Miracles started on Tuesday and the session was hands down THE BEST teaching I've ever delivered!  I'm truly thankful for this. (BTW you can still sneak in if you've got FOMO- just watch the replay and come join us!)

Anyway- things really couldn't have gone better and I'm so looking forward to watching the magic unfold.

On another note though....Wednesday morning I opened up my Insta account to grab some content to share with the group, except that didn't quite pan out....instead of getting what I was looking for I saw a message saying my account had been suspended because of a breach of authenticity guidelines!!!

I appealed...

Next thing I saw a strange message on my WhatsApp from an unknown number (in Turkey 🙄) asking me if I needed help with my disabled Insta...

When I tried to login again my account had been disabled.  And, as far as I can tell there's nada I can do!!!  Like, seriously NOTHING!!!!  All that work just down.the.pan

OF COURSE this is unwanted 😫
OF COURSE it sucked 👎🏽
OF COURSE I didn't wish for it 🥹 (Or did I 😉...)

And I could write a whole post about how unfair it is, how much love and energy I've poured into it yada yada yada.

And I'd be right, I'd have a point (so many.)

BUT it just wouldn't be helpful!

And this is one of the most useful things I've learnt in all the years I've been in my industry, and want to share with you.

✨ Quit telling stories just because they're true/might be true, and start telling tales that are HELPFUL!

THIS is a game changer.  A few useful points this Insta-gate sitch helps me share with you:

🩷 Feeling angry at hackers/crazy unfair Insta rules etc might give me a bit of satisfaction and isn't wrong, BUT leaning into:  'How people treat you is there karma and how you respond is yours.' (Wayne Dyer) is WAY more useful.  Any time you hold onto hatred/vengeance etc you're the one suffering, it's like you adding salt to your own wound!
🩷 Being sad and upset is also OK, but equally not going to move the needle. Journaling on this Q will tho:  How could this be the best thing to have happened?
🩷 Anytime things suck, reminding yourself that YOUR POWER IS IN YOUR RESPONSE is a vibe 🙌
🩷 And while feeling the upset isn't bad; the sooner you can bounce back to 'all rejection is protection', the sooner you begin to net the positives due on the back of not getting what you want.

Moral of the story = it's OK to not feel OK when things suck.  But staying here won't help.  Your true power lies in bouncing back bigger and better and deciding to focus on how you show up!

BTW if you fancy sneaking into Manifesting Miracles LIVE, here's the link:

Enrol Now £149 💚💕✨

I'm adding a bonus Masterclass on Belief Shifting you'll also be able to attend live, PLUS you can upgrade to a 1-2-1 with me too at 25% off 🙌 (If you do join I'll get the replay to you so you can be up to speed before the next session.)

So- I’m all open to being led when it comes to finding creative solutions to this issue…and so far one of them is to blog more, tend to my website and Happiness Insiders email list more, focus on the likes of Insta less….Which means here I am!

All the love,

Zofie xo

PS- I created a new Insta, I’m not yet sure how I’ll play things with it…BUT if you do want to give me a follow it’s @zofielloydkucia - I have 29 followers already at the time of writing 😂