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Relax Me Happy Sessions





I have been running Relax Me Happy Sessions for over three years with many of the attendees coming back weekly.
— Zofie

My fear that they might get bored has certainly not come to fruition!  In these Sessions you get to enjoy all of the benefits of the Relax Me Happy process with me and a small group, in my studio.  There’s nothing for you to do other than turn up, lay back and chill out.  I think people keep coming back because of the benefits.  Even though the session lasts only thirty minutes, the effects are far reaching.  They include better sleep, a calmer mind, relief from stress, anxiety and depression and more resilience, or in other words the ability to cope with life!  If you’re in Bristol and want to try one out please drop me a line.



Sessions run every Sunday at 6pm, 6.45pm and 7.30pm.  I like to keep things flexible so while booking is essential you don’t need to sign up to a course.  Each Session costs £7 and takes place in my studio in Henleaze, Bristol.  It's free to trial one so please get in touch if you want to come along.