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Guided Relaxation/Meditation Downloads and Happiness Coaching in Bristol.

Relax Me Happy provides guided relaxation/meditation downloads to clients globally, and Happiness Coaching in Bristol. 




Happiness Coaching and Stress Management in Bristol. Guided Relaxation/Meditation Tracks to use on the go.



Meditation out and about

Hi, I’m Zofie. A Mindset Coach and Manifestation Queen with a background in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and positive psychology. And it’s my mission to help you turn your dreams into reality!  

Through private coaching, digital courses, and life changing meditations it’s my deep desire to help good people live great lives. If you’re ready for change, I’m here to be your loving guide, to help you start living with an ‘anything is possible’ mindset, to consciously manifest the life you deeply desire, the one you deserve.

Zofie’s a revelation. It’s impossible to read anything she writes or hear anything she says and not feel clarity and inspiration to improve your own life.
— Harriet, PR Executive
Rise Up Rich
One time
For 2 months

NO CODE NEEDED FOR SALE PRICE- IT WILL BE AUTO-ADDED ON CHECKOUT! If you're ready to entirely revolutionise how you feel around money, I made this course for YOU!

The Tribe

Your monthly membership! Get instant access to the entire vault of meditations, daily ‘love notes’, plus bonus invites to masterclasses. ONLY £11.99


£299.00 • One time

This program will help you flip the script on negativity, and hack your way to happiness. The ten modules will change your mind on challenges. Reframe works with both your conscious and subconscious to make you unf**kwithable!


£199.00 • One time

Join the course and be lovingly guided by me when you’re going through a thing.

Kid’s Member Area

£34.99 • One time

Sign up for access to 14 Children's Meditations, a 100 page Parenting E-book plus a downloadable copy of My Little Book Of Happy

The Joy Re-Set
One time
For 2 months

Seven Workshops plus bonus audio to help you find your way to home to joy!