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Manifesting Miracles LIVE

In this magical course I condense 20yrs of study and practise into four weeks of content to help you up-level your manifesting game in waaaaaay less time than it took me!

On October 3rd @7pm, Manifesting Miracles LIVE begins   (And BTW this may well be the last time I teach this content live.)  We run for four weeks, on Zoom and in the course I cover:

The rules of manifesting and how to make them work for YOU
What's going on behind the scenes and why NEVER giving up is KEY for your success
Spiritual laws and how they impact your manifestations
What NOT to do (golden info)

Each week I clear your energetic blocks, teach concepts to get your conscious mind onboard, AND work with your subconscious.  I use my training and expertise as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist as well as positive psychology, plus my ability to sense and shift energy.  It's a belt, braces and then some approach that works!

Previous students have manifested:

Dream job
A baby
Lottery win
£1k bonus
Unexpected money
Dream client



I'm the poster girl for underdog turned winner in life, and I made a promise to be a source of inspiration, love, light and guidance for anyone wanting in on the same journey.  Is this you?  Are you over feeling left behind?  Are you ready?  Is this YOUR time?  People tell me all the time that being around me feels magic, but this has f**k all to do with me and everything to do with YOU- if you're ready for my magic to remind you of your own:

Join Now £149

Earlier Event: April 5
Happy Parents, Happy Kids Workshop