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The Happiness Formula Workshop


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The Happiness Formula Workshop

If you're looking to learn the tips and tools that can help you thrive in life, instead of survive, this workshop will give you the inspiration and guidance you need.

Did you know there are specific activities and ways of thinking that will leave you joyful, calm and feeling in control in your life? 

Having worked with hundreds of people, spanning more than a decade, l've learnt a thing or two about the art of living happily and I'm passionate about inspiring others!  

In these small, informal events l share some of this powerful knowledge and useful practises so that you can begin to flourish!

I know for sure that if you begin to implement these practises in your life you'll benefit.

Attended by a small number, and including guided relaxation, these evenings are great if you'd like to spend a little time learning about how to live joyfully, in a lighthearted, relaxed and fun atmosphere. Spaces cost £30.

You'll also receive a relaxation download to use at home, along with a handout.

-Booking in advance is essential- to grab a space please message me, or text or email on:

"Thanks for the happiness formula workshop last Thursday. I really enjoyed it & found it very inspiring!"

Mandy Smith

"Thanks so so much for such a great evening and you’ll be pleased to hear I’m already practicing the positive mind set..." 


Earlier Event: January 19
The Happiness Formula - A Happiness Event
Later Event: April 5
Happy Parents, Happy Kids Workshop